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Welcome to Thriving Relationships!

We believe marriage can be awesome! But getting there and staying there takes intentional effort. Would you plant a garden and then ignore it (no watering, fertilizing, or pulling of weeds) and expect it to be healthy and growing? In the same way, our relationships need regular care and nurturing in order to grow and thrive.

At Fullerton Free, we regularly invest in our relationships. We offer fun events, helpful classes, and other resources to keep your relationship alive and healthy. If your relationship has grown stale or even needs some special restorative help, we’ve got what you need. Contact us and we’ll direct you to the support and resources that will help. We’re thrilled to be a part of helping you have the kind of marriage that God designed.

Romantic Restaurants in Fullerton Fullerton Singles Online, free free dating sites. Catholic Dating in Fullerton, CA. The Golden State of California is place to find online singles from Match.com. Browse our California personal ads, send an email and start a relationship with your match. If you are single and want to find a local lady for a long term relationship, the Fullerton Women seeking Men category is the place to find your new girlfriend. The Fullerton Women seeking Men category is specifically for people wanting something serious, not a casual relationship or a one night stand. Come join us, and thrive! Alexandra & Don Flecky. Don, 714-240-4245 Alexandra, 714-240-4046.

Come join us, and thrive!
Alexandra & Don Flecky

Don, 714-240-4245
Alexandra, 714-240-4046

Enrichment for All: THRIVE!

A 'menu' of five-week relationship growth classes, meeting on five Friday nights, starting on February 19, 2021.

  • For singles or couples
  • All classes are ONLINE this session, using Zoom
  • Classes are from 6:00 - 7:30 pm (NEW TIME) each Friday
  • No dinner or childcare options this session

Links to detailed descriptions of each class and registration are found at the links below. Choose one class; each class lasts for five weeks:

For Singles Only (never-married, divorced, widowed):

  • Singles Seeking Jesus

For Individuals or Couples:

  • Boundaries: Setting Healthy Relationship Limits

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For Couples Only:

  • Vertical Marriage
  • Cornerstone Marriage

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Join us on Zoom (from anywhere!) for five weeks of healthy relationship growth! For more information, please contact Cheri Ross, 714-257-4330.

Engaged and Seriously Dating:

A nine-week class for SERIOUSLY DATING or ENGAGED couples who are considering marriage. Spring 2021 Class Dates: January 24, 2021 - March 28, 2021

In this class you will build skills in:

  • Communication and conflict resolution
  • Handling finances together
  • Roles and expectations in marriage
  • Understanding the influence of family of origin
  • Nurturing your spiritual relationship as a couple
  • Learning about your sexual and emotional intimacy needs

The cost of $150 per couple includes all materials and a customized couple assessment. This printed report identifies personality strengths and differences in YOUR specific relationship, based on your answers to a group of questions, and provides personalized suggestions for your ongoing growth together.

Marriage Coaches will walk with you through several important in-class conversations, and are an ongoing resource for your relationship even after the class has ended.

The class will meet on Sunday afternoons, from 2pm to 4pm, January 24th and ending March 28th. Classes will meet in person, if social distancing allows. If not, classes will meet on Zoom.

Questions? Contact Cheri Ross at 714-257-4330.

Year-Round Practical Support: THE THIRD OPTION

The Third Option is a weekly relationship skills program that is good for all couples in any stage of relationship—dating, engaged, married, or separated. It offers help and hope for healthy as well as distressed couples. Both spouses don’t have to attend—it will help even if one person wants to work on the relationship. This class is open to all—church attenders, general public, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and extended family. All participants make a commitment to confidentiality within the group.

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FullertonFullerton Dating Places

The class cycles through 14 different relationship topics, one per week. Topics covered:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility and Blame
  • Expectations
  • Power Struggles
  • Listening
  • Personality Differences
  • Childhood Issues
  • Handling Anger
  • Speaking the Truth in Love
  • Control Issues
  • Conflict Resolution
  • The Hurt Spiral
  • Forgiveness
  • Rebuilding Trust

The Third Option is meeting online through Zoom at this time. Register here and get the link to the online class.

Fullerton Dating Places Open

Meets Tuesdays, 6:30–8:30pm on North Campus in Room NC120, at 2904 N. Brea Blvd., Fullerton. North Campus is on the northeast corner of Rolling Hills Drive and Brea Blvd., behind the 'Cigarette Plaza' stores.

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Cost: The first two weeks of the class are free; after the first two weeks there is a suggested donation of $10 per person per week. If finances are a concern, please come anyway; no one is ever turned away due to lack of funds.

Childcare: We're sorry but childcare is not provided.

Each person or couple can join on any Tuesday night; there is no start or end date. If you have any questions call Don (714-240-4245 for men) or Alexandra (714-240-4046 for women), or visit www.USrelationships.org.

So if you could use some help (in the form of learning useful skills) and some hope (in the form of a support group, and by hearing actual couples tell their stories of overcoming tough marital struggles), then we invite you to attend The Third Option!



Are you needing support after discovering you have been betrayed?

Healing Hearts is a safe place to begin or continue your healing journey after the Trauma of Betrayal. You will share with others who understand the depth of pain experienced at the point of discovery. Find love, acceptance and support in the weekly meetings. Discover there is HOPE for your future as God directs your next steps.

We are here for you.

Contact the church: 714-529-5544 ext. 484 and a facilitator will return your call.


A confidential, life-building, shame free, ongoing and continuous support group for men struggling with sexual temptations and addiction. It is a group of men, led by men, to support other men; and at the center of it will be Jesus, who can be trusted above all others. To join, simply call the church office: 714-529-5544 ext.614. After being transferred to a voicemail recording, leave a number for a return call. You will be contacted by the group's facilitator for a brief appointment and group meeting location. (Ongoing, men only, faith content: moderate)